
Childline Thailand has been fundamental in the development of child protection issues and advocating for child rights issues through all levels of Thai society.

UNCRC – The Child Protection Act

Childline’s advocacy efforts are based on the United Nation’s Convention on the Rights of the Child.

This comprehensive document stipulates all of the intrinsic freedoms that should be granted to children, independent of their abilities, physical appearance, background or spiritual beliefs. The Thai Government signed the CRC in 1992. It took a number of years following the ratification for necessary action to be taken in Thailand but a very important piece of legislation materialized based on the CRC – The Child Protection Act of 2003. Since then it has formed the foundation for building a whole new system and standard for child protection in Thailand.

Childline Thailand campaign about a wide range of important issues. Part of our work is to educate and inspire children and bring about positive change in society. Childline partners with organisations from around the world to make a difference. 

Advocacy Campaigns
