International Day for Street Children 2022

#IDSC2022 #StreetChildrenDay #StoriesFromTheStreet

We are keen to make sure that governments continue to be reminded of their obligations to street children, by highlighting the need to implement the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child’s General Comment no.21 on Children in Street Situations.

We call on Governments to:

Ensure and invest in the provision of high-quality specialised services for children in street situations, informed by an understanding of the rights and needs of this group of children.

The value of specialised solutions for street-connected children is enormous, and we urge governments to recognise and act upon it. Many services fall under this category, including street outreach work, family reunification, and access to quality alternative care. This should be prioritised in governments’ pandemic recovery planning.

Recognise the importance of skilled frontline workers to deliver specialised services by providing appropriate training and guidelines without imposing excessive or restrictive obstacles to their work.

A balance must be struck between ensuring that frontline workers are respected as professionals with formal training, guidelines and accreditation, while also valuing lived experience and other skillsets, refraining from imposing excessive requirements which may inhibit or deter street work.

Support frontline workers by strengthening laws and policies to improve their working conditions, and prioritise investment in the future of frontline workers both through targeted recruitment and the provision of continuing professional development opportunities.

International organisations, human rights experts, and other multilateral actors to:

Promote the rights of children in street situations by highlighting the importance of the provision of specialised solutions to governments and other actors.
Work with governments to ensure the recognition and respect of trained frontline workers, to provide support and specialised services to children in street situations.

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International Day for Street Children 2021



What is IDSC21?

International Day for Street Children (IDSC) is organised by the Consortium for Street Children who are coordinating a global effort to improve the lives of children in street situations. The event has been celebrated around the world since 2012, to “recognise the humanity, dignity and defiance of street children in the face of unimaginable hardships”.  The Consortium support advocacy and research efforts to “rally governments and individuals worldwide to work together to ensure their rights are protected no matter who they are and where they live. This is why, every year on 12th April we celebrate the lives of street children and highlight the efforts to have their rights respected and their needs met in a caring and respectful manner.” ( 2021)

Are there homeless children in Bangkok?

There are in fact as many as 20,000 children and youths living in street situations in Bangkok. Children living in street situations are at risk of being exploited. This is especially true in Bangkok where many homeless children face physical and mental abuse. Living on the street is dangerous with threats arising from gangs, drugs, prostitution and abuse.

How does Childline Thailand help?

Childline Thailand opened a harm reduction centre ‘The Hub’ in 2011 to help children in street situations with basic needs, education and a chance turn their future around. In 2020 the Hub offered assistance 10.529 times to children and youths, with many returning to use the services regularly. The Hub provides basic needs to children in street situations including meals, personal hygiene, medical checks, vaccinations and clothing. Counselling and case management supports youths who are in urgent need of interventions due to the challenges of living on the street. The Hub aims to provide long term solutions to improve the lives of children and help them to transition from street situations. Projects at the Hub include activities to help children manage their hardships, child participation and a route to rejoining society.

Do street children have access to essential services?

IDSC21 campaign priority is Access to Essential Services – an issue that has become even more pressing during the COVID-19 pandemic as street-connected children and homeless youth around the world struggle to access services that they are routinely denied.

Not only are street children among the most vulnerable children on the planet – deprived of access to basic services like education and healthcare and disproportionately targeted by violence – but they are now even more at risk of being excluded as the world begins to navigate a recovery from the pandemic.


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Savings Account TransferBank: Kasikorn Bankสาขา : บางเขนชื่อบัญชี : Childline Thailand Foundationหมายเลขบัญชี : 070-2-84387-1


ทุกการบริจาค Childline ขอขอบพระคุณมา ณ ที่นี้ค่ะ โดยใบเสร็จรับเงินที่มีชื่อท่านเป็นผู้บริจาค สามารถนำไปใช้ลดหย่อนภาษีได้อีกด้วยค่ะ

มูลนิธิสายเด็ก 1387 เป็นองค์การสาธารณกุศล ลำดับที่ 813 เงินบริจาคสามารถนำไปหักลดหย่อนภาษีได้