Childline Thailand Analytics

Contact Centre: Calls and online contacts 2021

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The Hub: Walk-ins 2021

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Contact Centre: Calls and online contacts 2020

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The Hub: Walk-ins 2020

Contact Centre Calls and Online Contacts

Contact Centre and the Hub Walk-ins 2020

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Contact Centre and the Hub Walk-ins 2019-2020

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Contact Centre and the Hub Walk-ins 2019-2020

Contacts about Mental Health 2021

History of Childline Thailand’s Call Centre

1130605 children helped since 2003

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google.charts.load(‘current’, {‘packages’:[‘treemap’]});
function drawChart() {
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
[‘Location’, ‘Parent’, ‘Market trade volume (size)’, ‘Market increase/decrease (color)’],
[‘Global’, null, 0, 0],
[‘America’, ‘Global’, 0, 0],
[‘Europe’, ‘Global’, 0, 0],
[‘Asia’, ‘Global’, 0, 0],
[‘Australia’, ‘Global’, 0, 0],
[‘Africa’, ‘Global’, 0, 0],
[‘Brazil’, ‘America’, 11, 10],
[‘USA’, ‘America’, 52, 31],
[‘Mexico’, ‘America’, 24, 12],
[‘Canada’, ‘America’, 16, -23],
[‘France’, ‘Europe’, 42, -11],
[‘Germany’, ‘Europe’, 31, -2],
[‘Sweden’, ‘Europe’, 22, -13],
[‘Italy’, ‘Europe’, 17, 4],
[‘UK’, ‘Europe’, 21, -5],
[‘China’, ‘Asia’, 36, 4],
[‘Japan’, ‘Asia’, 20, -12],
[‘India’, ‘Asia’, 40, 63],
[‘Laos’, ‘Asia’, 4, 34],
[‘Mongolia’, ‘Asia’, 1, -5],
[‘Israel’, ‘Asia’, 12, 24],
[‘Iran’, ‘Asia’, 18, 13],
[‘Pakistan’, ‘Asia’, 11, -52],
[‘Egypt’, ‘Africa’, 21, 0],
[‘S. Africa’, ‘Africa’, 30, 43],
[‘Sudan’, ‘Africa’, 12, 2],
[‘Congo’, ‘Africa’, 10, 12],
[‘Zaire’, ‘Africa’, 8, 10]
tree = new google.visualization.TreeMap(document.getElementById(‘chart_div’));
tree.draw(data, {
minColor: ‘#f00’,
midColor: ‘#ddd’,
maxColor: ‘#0d0’,
headerHeight: 15,
fontColor: ‘black’,
showScale: true